
Hi! I'm Anna Erbetta.

Senior Product Designer delivering design, good experiences and dad jokes to companies like

What I bring to the table

Designer who codes

Started my journey on Neopet's HTML at 11. Today, I'm a Senior Product Designer and Front-end developer, working as the glue between all phases of building a digital product. From Figma to Javascript. From tracing the strategy to iterating new versions based on feedback. My stack: React, Angular, Tailwind, SCSS and Typescript.

Going beyond tools

As a Product Designer, I go beyond building digital products. I'm well versed in marketing, business strategy and project management.

Mentoring and teaching

I've been a CSS/SCSS teacher for full-stack developers on a tech school. I also offer free mentoring on ADPList, and been on top 1% of design mentors for four consecutive months.
I believe on learning by teaching, and that everyone has something to contribute with <3

Community impact

I'm also a content creator and producer for Tech Career (yeap, I deep dive on subjects I like - don't even get me started on traffic management on City Skylines). Besides mentoring, I've been posting videos and articles. Last year I've reached a cool milestone: was interviewed by Jakob Nielsen on the state of UX in LATAM 🙂